Frequency Shifting (440 Hz to 432 Hz or other)
Music Speed Changer's pitch shift tool can be used to adjust a track's frequency. The app shifts the current track by given semitones and cents. Below shows the conversion and application of the values.
Pitch Shift Value Calculator
This tool calculates the pitch shift in semitones and cents for Music Speed Changer iOS's pitch shift tool.
Convert from: Hz to: Hz
Pitch shift: -.3176665363342928
Semitone shift: -0
Cent shift: 32
You can adjust the input and output frequency values to suit your needs by entering new values in the fields above.
Using the Values to shift an Audio Track's Frequency
The resulting pitch shift value is -.3176665363342928. Applying this shift value to the pitch shift functionality of Music Speed Changer, the required pitch adjustment is -0 semitone(s) and 32 cent(s).
In the editor tap the current pitch value to open the picker.
Use the picker wheels to select the value for the semitones and for the cents, which in the example of 440Hz to 432Hz is -0 Semitones (note the negative) and 32 Cents.
The example 440Hz track is now playing downshifted to 432Hz and can be saved from the top of the editor into a new track.